Enrol with us

Steps to enroll your child:


Download Enrolment Forms


Gather documents

  1. Your child's New Zealand birth certificate or passport and appropriate visa

  2. Your child's immunisation certificate in English
    (found in your Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Brook (Plunket book) or provided by your doctor)

  3. Verification of your home address
    (Either an invoice from your electricity provider, an invoice from your internet provider or receipt of payment for a Bond lodged for rental accommodation)

  4. Email address – please complete this on the enrolment form as we send out some newsletters and notices via email.


Visit our school office in person

Please bring with you all the documents above. We are required to sight all your original documents and will take photocopies to keep with your enrolment form.

Office hours: 8:30am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Please click to view our School Prospectus.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the office at admin@mellonsbay.school.nz

Enrolment Documents

Here is a checklist for yourself to see if you have all documents required:

Once you have all documents prepared, please bring them to the school office to enrol your child.

We are looking forward to a rewarding relationship with your family.

Have you collected all documents to enroll your child?

We are not currently accepting any Out of Zone applications.