
Proud of our tradition

Correct Wearing of the Uniform

We believe all children should take pride in their appearance and in this regard, we ask for:

  • Sandals must be worn with the summer uniform.

  • Clean, polished shoes.

  • Long socks should be worn up, garters may be necessary (in Winter).

  • Shirts tucked in.

  • Singlets and vests not showing at necklines.

  • Hair fastened back with appropriate clips/bands, we sell these in school colours.

  • Jerseys to be worn properly or taken off, not tied around waists or draped over shoulders.

  • No jewellery to be worn apart from studs in the ears (unless culturally significant). Medic alert bracelets are permitted.

Please Name Clothing

Please clearly mark all children's clothing as often items go missing.  

Sunsmart School

We are a Sunsmart school means students require sunscreen and hats in Terms 1 and 4, this is compulsory.

Smart options for uniform

Uniform Shop

Prestidges Schoolwear
(Formerly Elizabeth Michael Uniforms) 

Located at the back of the School Hall.

Term Time Opening Hours:

Day Hours
Tuesday 8:30am - 9:30am
Thursday 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Please click here to view a full price list of items available

Outside shop hours uniform items may be purchased online using their online shop.

To register for the online shop please:

  1. Click log-in at the top right-hand side of the Prestidges home page

  2. Fill out your details and the school log-in code – MB212

  3. Prestidges admin will send you your confirmed user name and password

  4. Enter your username or email address plus your unique password in the log-in section and you are ready to start purchasing

Any questions please contact them on 358 1680 or uniforms@prestidges.co.nz 

Uniform Options

Winter Uniform

To be worn in Term 2 (after King’s Birthday) and Term 3.

Summer Uniform

To be worn in Term 1 and Term 4.

Sport Uniform

The sports uniform is worn from Year 3 through to Year 6.

Second-Hand Uniform

The school office is happy to receive donations of second-hand uniforms to be used as necessary for students in need of a change of clothes. 
They will also sell on your behalf (25% commission on all sales). Uniform items need to be in excellent condition.  Clothes that are stained, worn thin or poorly repaired cannot be accepted.  Second-hand shoes, socks, hair accessories or hats will not be accepted.  Second-hand winter dresses must have been dry cleaned with the dry cleaning label still attached.  

Second-hand uniform is sold during school hours via the office. Refunds will not be given under any circumstances.

Any questions please contact the school office on 09 534 4363.

Uniform Shoes

Stockists of School Shoes

In Summer students wear plain black sandals, there should be no coloured soles, flashes of colour or decals.

Winter shoes must be totally black with black soles, there should be no coloured soles, flashes of colour or decals.  Shoes need to be fit for purpose and not fashion shoes.  The preferred requirement is a black leather shoe with a black sole, not a sports shoe.