Parent Teacher Association
Get Involved
Meet other parents
Support our family activities
Volunteer and feel part of the community
PTA meetings are normally held on Tuesday evenings and everyone is welcome.
Register your interest here. Email to ptasecretary@mellonsbay.school.nz
Executive Committee
The Mellons Bay School PTA is organised by an executive team; a small, friendly group of parents who volunteer their time to run fundraising and social events for the whole school community.
Yvonne Goodwin and Ana Kireka
This role involves facilitating PTA meetings, being the face of the PTA, liaising with PTA executive and school management, having the complete overview of PTA issues, activities and direction.
Amna Kafridi
This role involves compiling agendas and minutes for PTA meetings. It also includes keeping policies and procedures up to date and general communication to PTA members as required.
Sarah Schiphorst
This role involves has two key focuses. The first being the contact person and caretaker of all parent involvement with PTA events and activities. Secondly to improve home communication, for example, Facebook, Wi chat, text and working with classroom representatives to get parents closer to what is happening in their childs personal life. Please contact ptacomms@mellonsbay.school.nz if you wish to discuss.
Michelle Lobb
The Treasurer is responsible for managing the PTA accounts and reporting of the financial position at PTA meetings. The Treasurer also assists with any financial tasks relating to events, eg. Floats, eftpos, banking etc.
Ana Kireka
The fundraising team is usually led by one or two people who organise fundraising activities and enlist a group of helpers, parents or PTA members to assist.
Julie Money
This role involves managing the Kindo platform and ticketing of events.
The PTA has developed an initiative for parents and students to connect and enjoy the social aspect of being at school.
Each year there will be a request for a parent to be the Parent Class Representative for your child's class. The volunteer for this role will be given a class list from the office with contact details of parents and students in that class.
The Parent Class Representative then maintains that list (make changes or additions as required), distributes the list to each family in that class, and organises social events throughout the year. Permission for details to be distributed to class members, is given by parents on enrolment.
IMPORTANT: If you do not wish for your details to be shared with class members, please advise the office on enrolment.

The lunchroom is a PTA fundraiser and contributes substantially to the overall funds raised. It is managed entirely by volunteers.
Lunch Room Helpers
This involves a team of volunteer parents, who work together to compile student orders.
Contact Dawn Gillard to get on the roster, lunchroom@mellonsbay.school.nz